Riley Blackthorne just needs a chance to prove herself – and that’s exactly what the demons are counting on…
Seventeen-year-old Riley, the only daughter of legendary Demon Trapper, Paul Blackthorne, has always dreamed of following in her father's footsteps. The good news is, with human society seriously disrupted by economic upheaval and Lucifer increasing the number of demons in all major cities, Atlanta’s local Trappers’ Guild needs all the help they can get – even from a girl. When she’s not keeping up with her homework or trying to manage her growing crush on fellow apprentice, Simon, Riley’s out saving distressed citizens from foul-mouthed little devils – Grade One Hellspawn only, of course, per the strict rules of the Guild. Life’s about as normal as can be for the average demon-trapping teen.
But then a Grade Five Geo-Fiend crashes Riley’s routine assignment at a library, jeopardizing her life and her chosen livelihood. And, as if that wasn’t bad enough, sudden tragedy strikes the Trappers’ Guild, spinning Riley down a more dangerous path than she ever could have imagined. As her whole world crashes down around her, who can Riley trust with her heart – and her life?
The debut for Jana Oliver, I have been wanting to read this book since it came out. I found the story line interesting, set in Atlanta, Georgia in the year 2018. I wasn't disappointed with the book on the whole, what happens to society was an interesting turn. How to do this review without an spoilers is hard. Riley has a hard life, but she isn't the only one, throughout the whole book she just seems to be in a bad mood, for the most part you can't blame her, with the things that happen to her. She reminds me of Bella from the Twilight series, (I even picture them looking the same) not happy and I don't get the impression she ever has been. I found her treatment of Beck throughout the book was constant and that got to be a bite much. Beck I liked, I found he to be well developed. Simon on the other hand wasn't. He just sorta appears and next thing Riley is in love. Ori was an interesting character and hopefully we will see more of him in the next book.
The storyline was good and original, Lucifer letting his demons loose on the world, the mystery of why the demons know Riley by name and who is the mysterious Ori. Looking forward to the next book.
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