Please join me in welcoming S. R. Mallery to JustOneMoreChapter today.

my historical fiction/contemporary novel, UNEXPECTED
GIFTS, I explore this very idea. My
main protagonist, Sonia, a confused, neurotic, forever-choosing-the-wrong-man
young psych student, is guided to her family’s trunk up in an attic, where
memorabilia, diaries, and journals abound.
As the book journeys back and forth from her modern life and that of her
parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and great great-grandparents, she
not only discovers former American eras through their writings, she learns of her
relatives’ human frailties and by doing so, develops better coping mechanisms for
As with
all historical fiction authors, my joy of scoping out these different time frames
far outweighed the tremendous amount of time taken to write this work. Interestingly
enough, in doing research for this book, one universal truism continuously stood
out: Politics and people have basically not changed over the ages.
few tidbits:
1969 chapters (taken from Sonia’s father’s and mother’s letters):
film footage about the Vietnam War showed the then Secretary of Defense, Robert
McNamara, couching his words
carefully and as we found out later, deceptively. General Westmoreland blustered on about the
importance of the war as the American public watched napalm being dropped,
villagers scattering, and body bag after body bag of U.S. soldiers hoisted onto
transport planes to return home. Viewing
these documentaries just after the U.S. had entered Iraq, with Secretary of
State Donald Rumsfeld reiterating the same sentiments as McNamara, struck me as
particularly ironic.
on Timothy Leary was fascinating—his ‘turn on, tune in, drop out’ philosophy
influenced thousands of youths, including his own children. Woodstock’s lineup of top musicians of the
time was dazzling while reading Woodstock anecdotes turned up a sad side story
that I couldn’t resist using. The same
applied to the East Village of New York, where drug use ravaged youngsters, poverty
crippled helpless immigrants, and anti-war protests were plotted and advertised
in underground newspapers.
1950/early 1960’s chapters (taken from Sonia’s grandparents and other side
parties. Believe it or not, this was
huge back then for Suburban America.
Film footage of Ms. Brownie Wise, Mr. Tupperware’s crack salesperson,
showed how “better living through chemistry” was tantamount to the Tao way of
life. Actual court records from the
House of Un-American hearings displayed a cold dismissal of innocent people
from all walks of life, not just the entertainment industry. Adding to this
mix, accounts of racial discrimination were ever-present not only in the Deep
South, but also in nice, clean northern Suburbia where, when push came to
shove, niceties fell by the wayside. Harlem lingo waxed poetic, Malcolm X
followers soap-boxing on apple crates as a reaction to Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. in its infancy, and the 1964 Harlem race riots were both self-destructive
and frightening. My characters mostly seeing the Beatles not hearing them at
Carnegie hall was based on my own frustrating, if not eye-opening, experience.
1930’s chapters (taken from Sonia’s great-grandparents and great-aunt)
on the Great Depression displayed floods, tornadoes, and gigantic dust clouds
of biblical proportions whereas politics seemed to be business as usual. President Franklin Roosevelt and his wife
Eleanor attempted to help the nation, yet big corporations reared their ugly
heads and in the south, lynching laws were stronger than ever. The president’s “Fireside Chats” miraculously
reached millions of people through radio, and further documentation steered me
towards the High Steelers, those daring construction workers who stepped over
the Empire State Building’s cross beams as if it were a light stroll through the
park. Hobos hopped onto trains ignorant
of their many hazards, while dance marathon contestants exhibited a demonic
resiliency, proving how human beings could endure almost anything if they were
desperate enough.
1912-1919 chapters (taken from Sonia’s great great-grandparents)
Ford was a strange dichotomy. Situated in Detroit, the mecca for automobiles, he
paid his workers higher than most auto makers of the time, offered English
classes to the immigrant men while simultaneously sending a team of social
workers to ‘visit’ the employees’ private, tenement apartments to check up on
their cleanliness, deportment, and religious proclivities (he was fiercely
the city and indeed, around the nation, Suffrage groups were steadfastly upholding
their struggle towards obtaining an official 19th Amendment: Women’s
Right to Vote. Yet by 1916, two diverse,
rifting factions had taken hold of this movement. On the one side was the
philosophy of the more patient stalwarts Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady
Stanton, Lucy Stone, and Carrie Chapman Catt. On the other were the more recent, virulent
Alice Stokes Paul and her ilk, determined to protest in front of the White
House and suffer through jail and hunger strikes, in an all out war to force the
government’s hand.
Something to think about: What if you came
across several of your cognates’ diaries? How could they help you in your life?
Mockingbird Lane Press
Formats: eBook, Paperback
Genre: Historical Fiction
Can we learn from our ancestral past? Do our relatives’ behaviors help mold our own? In “Unexpected Gifts,” that is precisely what happens to Sonia, a confused college student, heading for addictions and forever choosing the wrong man. Searching for answers, she begins to read her family’s diaries and journals from America’s past: the Vietnam War, Woodstock, and Timothy Leary era; Tupperware parties, McCarthyism, and Black Power; the Great Depression, dance marathons, and Eleanor Roosevelt; the immigrant experience and the Suffragists. Back and forth the book journeys, linking yesteryear with modern life until finally, by understanding her ancestors’ hardships and faults, she gains enough clarity to make some right choices.
Buy the Book
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First, a classical/pop singer/composer, she moved on to the professional world of production art and calligraphy. Next came a long career as an award winning quilt artist/teacher and an ESL/Reading instructor. Her short stories have been published in descant 2008, Snowy Egret, Transcendent Visions, The Storyteller, and Down In the Dirt.
“Unexpected Gifts”, her debut novel, is currently available on Amazon. “Sewing Can Be Dangerous and Other Small Threads”, her collection of short stories, Jan. 2014, both books by Mockingbird Lane Press.
For more information please visit S.R. Mallery’s website. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads.
Unexpected Gifts Blog Tour Schedule.
Monday, September 1Review at Bookish
Review at Unshefish
Wednesday, September 3
Review at Reading Room Book Reviews
Guest Post at Just One More Chapter
Thursday, September 4
Review at WTF Are You Reading?
Friday, September 5
Spotlight at What Is That Book About
Monday, September 8
Guest Post & Giveaway at Passages to the Past
Tuesday, September 9
Review at Beth’s Book Reviews
Review at CelticLady’s Reviews
Thursday, September 11
Review at Book Nerd
Friday, September 12
Review at A Book Geek
Spotlight at From the TBR Pile
Spotlight & Giveaway at So Many Precious Books, So Little Time
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