
Monday, December 28, 2015

Review & Giveaway: Becoming George Washington By Stephen Yoch

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George Washington, action hero . . . Long before Washington was the old man on the dollar bill, he was a fatherless boy with few resources and even less education.

So how did he become the most famous person in American history?

Becoming George Washington tells the story of a young man with boundless energy, bravery, and passion, who grew from a fatherless boy into a self-confident leader. At the same time, he struggled to suppress both an awful temper and his love for a married woman, Sally Fairfax. A courageous war hero, Washington rose to the pinnacle of Virginia politics. His experiences as a young man allowed him, decades later, to lead the Revolution.

This compelling historical novel reveals the person behind the famous face and how he grew to become America’s leading Founding Father.

Publication Date: September 1, 2015 
Wise Ink Creative Publishing Paperback &
 Ebook; 382 Pages 
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I really surprised myself in how much I enjoyed this book, it spurred a touch of jealousy in this Canadian as I would love to read about the men that shaped this great country.

I think we all know about George and Martha Washington, but Stephen Yoch has taken us back to his teen years, a time that isn't that well known.

There are many things that Becoming George Washington has going for it.  First off was the writing style, it was engaging and it didn't take long to get lost in this book.  This is the authors debut and I think he is off to a great start.  It is evident that a vast amount of research went into this book, with well written descriptive details it wasn't hard to visualize the land in the 1700's, the life style as well as gruesome battle scenes giving this book the authentic feel of the time period.

The character of George Washington was based on actual documentation as were events that took place - though remember it is historical fiction.  This book explores his life from a teen until he is 27. He isn't the rich man that I had originally thought but a fatherless farmer.  It isn't all a bed of roses either, with a dominating mother his struggles to build a life for himself and serve his country isn't an easy road.  I learned a lot about Mount Vernon, his family, as well as his relationship with both Sally and Martha and even that little snippet about the White House.

Not only did the author provide authors notes, but this time we got treated to extended authors notes, so for the person carving that little bit more, it is there.  All in all a great debut that was entertaining, educational and has me hoping for a sequel.


About the Author

Steve doesn't golf or fish and is a below average hunter, but his love of history and writing compelled him to pick up his pen and tell the little-known stories behind the men that made American history. After years of extensive research, Steve wrote his first book on young George Washington. Steve lives in a suburb north of St. Paul, Minnesota with his supportive wife and two fantastic teenage sons. He graduated with honors from Boston College and the University of Minnesota Law School. He has enjoyed over two decades of practicing law in the Twin Cities, helping individuals and businesses solve complex problems.


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  1. I'm on a mission to read more about US Presidents. I want to read some nonfiction, but having some companion fiction always makes it more interesting.

  2. Sadly, I got no books this year. My mom got one I plan to borrow when she finishes, but I don't remember the title.

  3. The only book Santa brought was adult coloring books. But I did receive a few gift cards that I will be buying books with.

  4. A wonderful giveaway. Thanks. I received one book which I will treasure greatly. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  5. A Christmas Carol lovely edition.happy Holidays
