Camden Grayson loves her challenging career, but the rest of her life could use some improvement. "Moving on" is Cam's mantra. But there's a difference, her two sisters insist, between one who moves on . . . and one who keeps moving.
Cam's full-throttle life skids to a stop when her father buys a remote island off the coast of Maine. Paul Grayson has a dream to breathe new life into the island--a dream that includes reuniting his estranged daughters. Certain Dad has lost his mind, the three sisters rush to the island. To Cam's surprise, the slow pace of island life appeals to her, along with the locals--and one in particular. Sam Walker, the scruffy island schoolteacher harbors more than a few surprises.
With On a Summer Tide, bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher begins a brand-new contemporary romance series that is sure to delight her fans and draw new ones.
Paperback, 320 pages
Published April 30th, 2019
by Fleming H. Revell Company
This is the perfect beach read! An island off the coast of Maine plays central to the start of this series.
I can say now that Suzanne Woods Fisher is not a new author to me, I’ve read a number of her books and thoroughly enjoyed each of them. I didn’t realize this was the start of a new series and by the end of this book, I knew I wanted more. The island of Niswi Nummissis is Algonquian for Three Sisters and an impulse purchase for Paul convinces his daughter that he is losing it. Of course they come to the rescue and so begins the story.
I love the author's writing style, she placed me in the setting, gave me a wonderful tour of the island, I was introduced to wild and wacky characters along the way and now wish to stay a week or so at Camp Kicking Moose.
I have a feeling that each book will pertain to a different daughter and this time around it’s the oldest, Camden. With snippets to the past, the author showed how she grew to be the woman and mother she is. That being said the island works its magic on all three sisters, it would make a perfect book club read and enlist lots of discussion.
Some might find it a little predictable but there were a couple twists and turns I didn’t anticipate and the journey was nice.
This book is part of my 2019 reading off my shelf challenge.
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