
Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Love Elixir of Augusta Stern by Lynda Cohen Loigman

It's never too late for new beginnings.

On the cusp of turning eighty, newly retired pharmacist Augusta Stern is adrift. When she relocates to Rallentando Springs—an active senior community in southern Florida—she unexpectedly crosses paths with Irving Rivkin, the delivery boy from her father’s old pharmacy—and the man who broke her heart sixty years earlier.

As a teenager growing up in 1920’s Brooklyn, Augusta’s role model was her father, Solomon Stern, the trusted owner of the local pharmacy and the neighborhood expert on every ailment. But when Augusta’s mother dies and Great Aunt Esther moves in, Augusta can’t help but be drawn to Esther’s curious methods. As a healer herself, Esther offers Solomon’s customers her own advice—unconventional remedies ranging from homemade chicken soup to a mysterious array of powders and potions.

As Augusta prepares for pharmacy college, she is torn between loyalty to her father and fascination with her great aunt, all while navigating a budding but complicated relationship with Irving. Desperate for clarity, she impulsively uses Esther’s most potent elixir with disastrous consequences. Disillusioned and alone, Augusta vows to reject Esther’s enchantments forever.

Sixty years later, confronted with Irving, Augusta is still haunted by the mistakes of her past. What happened all those years ago and how did her plan go so spectacularly wrong? Did Irving ever truly love her or was he simply playing a part? And can Augusta reclaim the magic of her youth before it’s too late?

Kindle Edition, 320 pages
Expected publication October 8, 2024
 by St. Martin's Pres
3.5/5 stars

This was a second chance story that spanned 60 years which centered around a feisty 80 year-old woman, Augusta Stern.

Told in dual times from the point of view of both Augusta and Irving, her friend and co-worker. Beginning in the 1920s when they were teens and spanning to current day. The start of this book was great, there was the mystery of Augusta, why she was hiding her age and ultimately her move to a retirement home in Florida. It was intriguing as to what took place with her great aunt Esther and Irving.

I love the author’s previous two books and whether my expectations were elevated with this one I found it had a slower pace and at times it dragged, especially in the middle. The ending was good, I appreciated the closure and what transpired all those years ago. I loved great aunt Esther and felt her character really gave the story some spark as well as her friend Shirley. But as for the main characters, I couldn’t really connect with them.

The Love Elixir of Augusta Stern is a story of secrets, friendship and the lengths people will go to protect those they love. Look for it on book shelves Oct 8th.

My thanks to St. Martin Press for a digital arc in exchange for a honest review.

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