
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Story of Doctor Dolittle by Hugh Lofting

…this classic story with a new magical twist, is sure to be a family favorite!

When Doctor John Dolittle’s love of animals scares away his human patients, he finds himself on the verge of bankruptcy. Luckily, his parrot, Polynesia, has a solution—she teaches him to talk to animals.

Using his new skill, Doctor Dolittle becomes a veterinarian, and his reputation soon spreads in the animal kingdom. With it, come requests for help from animals all over the world.

Sailing off with his band of animal companions, Doctor Dolittle seeks to help all he can while facing fierce storms, vicious pirates, angry kings, and more.

Hardcover, 156 pages
First published July 21, 1920
4/5 stars

Confession time, I have never read this book or watched the movie, so I know very little about what takes place.  I tried real hard to not have visions of Eddie Murphy floating around my brain.

First published in 1920 this is the story of Dr. John Dolittle, who loves animals more than people. This is a story of his relationship with people and the families he meets on his journey to Africa (note, by families I don't necessarily mean humans).  Its on this journey where mayhem ensures.

This was a fun quick read. It was well written and nicely illustrated.

I’m not sure I’ll watch the movie, I like the visuals I have in my mind of Dr. Dolittle, the animals and the crazy boat they were on.

This book was part of my 2024 reading off my shelf challenge

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